CCC Professional Cloud Security Manager

Exin Risk Management
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CCC Professional Cloud Security Manager

The CCC Professional Cloud Security Manager (PCS) certification explores core concepts related to security, risk and compliance within the cloud computing environment. The certification enables candidates to apply the underpinning security concepts to an enterprise cloud computing environment. The risks and the impact of cloud computing must be understood in terms of both business and technical security challenges and their effect on business and technical governance and policy. The certification also presents the terminology used to describe security threats and issues in cloud computing.


At the end of this course, participants gain competencies in, and are able to:

  • Explain what it takes to secure the different cloud computing services and deployment models.

  • Explain design security regarding the cloud infrastructure, configurations, and applications running within a cloud computing environment.

  • Explain, apply, and analyze how to manage access to cloud computing resources using accounts, users, and groups.

  • Explain, apply, and analyze the ways of securing data, operating systems, and applications and overall infrastructure within the cloud.


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