M_o_R Risk Management Practitioner

M_o_R Risk Management
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M_o_R Risk Management Practitioner

The purpose of the Practitioner certification is to confirm whether you have sufficient understanding of how to apply and tailor M_o_R in a scenario situation. You should, with suitable direction, be able to start applying an M_o_R approach to any organizational perspective but may not be sufficiently skilled to do this appropriately for all situations. Your individual risk management expertise, complexity of the organizational context and the support provided for the use of M_o_R in your work environment will all be factors that impact what you can achieve.

This certification is aimed at anyone working within a corporate governance environment that has responsibilities for identifying, assessing, planning, or managing risks, or reporting on risk management activities across the organization.

Training Details

Country : GLOBAL
Start Date
Location :GLOBAL
End Date
Duration :3 HRS PER DAY
Training Mode


You must pass the Foundation exam before the Practitioner exam, either on the same day or separately. If you sit the Foundation examination only, and pass, you will receive a Foundation examination certificate. However, if you take both the Foundation and Practitioner exams on the same day, and pass both, you will receive a Practitioner examination certificate only.


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