Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer(CDPSE)

ISACA IT Security Management
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Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer™ (CDPSE™)

The CDPSE certification is focused on the technical implementation of privacy solutions and privacy-enhanced design. CDPSE holders are integral to an organization's privacy program and can facilitate a common understanding of best practices throughout the organization.


Get yourself in the spotlight by becoming an early adopter of CDPSE! Given the high stakes for organizations and the great need for qualified professionals to create privacy solutions that are aligned with organizational goals and risk appetite, ISACA is launching its new Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer (CDPSE) certification. The first experience-based, technical certification of its kind, CDPSE assesses a technology professional’s ability to implement privacy by design to enable organizations to enhance privacy technology platforms and products that provide benefits to consumers, build trust and advance data privacy.


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